Hi all,
It been a while since my last post.
My crewman my wife and myself all had a positive on the covid. That’s all over with thank goodness.
The crab are large, 2lb average but it has been a scarce season. As of this post a lot of the fleet are stacking there gear for the season.
Our current politics is we work in Fortnightly season extensions meaning the season could be closed up on notice.
Currently we are averaging just under 1 legal crab per pot. That is extremely slow but my lack of business acumen has worked in my favor.
I bought the Helen Ruth before I sold the Rosella. Basically I put the cart before the horse. But, both boats have a 250 pot crab permit and we have both boats pots in the water.
Allen my crewman can handle the deck and we meander through our slim pickings that add up to enough for us to keep going.
Basically the ocean being what it is, a force and eco system us little monkeys are constantly adjusting scientifically to. The crab are all in Alaska and Canada this year. Washington is also having a good year. The market for there crab is not live so our live crab are little gold nuggets.
We have moved to $10lb off the dock. I’m not having issues with that. I know the quality is there, they have a particular sweetness to the meat this year. It was also apparent last year.
I am learning this web site admin a little better. Basic things. Like I tell my wife Therese. I’m not real bright but I can lift heavy things. Let’s see how our crab season ends up.
Lastly and very importantly, I realize anyone reading this post has bought crab and is keeping in contact. Thankyou all for your support. Our live market, which as clients, you know is the superior product by an exaggerated mile.
Our battle is not to lose this.
Big business has no issues dumping frozen on the market.
Thank you all again.
Captain Barry
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